Yep, this is it, Saturday night dinner by a 9 year old. I know what you're thinking, ice cream, chocolate and designer water? Well, the story is we had a late lunch and the water, well, the bottle is filled with tap water and has been used a billion times as it fits perfectly in the door of our refridgerator (European fridges are small, you know).
Been also busy at work on a secret project as well as filling my time with some "normal" collage work. Started making these 3D shadowboxes and seem to be somewhat obsessed. Hard to see the 3D effect in the piece above, but don't really know how to capture a proper picture of it. Anyway, although the image is a bit "sweet" for my taste, the little girl HAD to be in my first attempt. I will be making more, stay tuned!
And some more 4" "sweet" pieces for your Saturday viewing, all available here.

And last but not least, the lovely Sarah was kind enough to give me a very special recognition..

Although I check all of the blogs under my links section frequently, here are a few that I check often because they continue to inspire. Have a look!
Angela Cartwright
Bridgette Guerzon Mills
Corey Moortgat
Hanne Matthiesen
Jennifer Black
Port 2 Port
Lena Corwin