new art and detox week 2

Well, wouldn't you believe that even though I have made it to week two of my detox, I was inspired enough to create some art! Amazing! Actually, I feel quite good which is a miracle in itself as I thought I would surely keel over from a major sugar withdrawl. I must say, I am pretty darn tired of celery and hummous, oatmeal and fruit (no sugar might I add) and herbal tea. Looking at my watch, it looks like it is time for my snack - num num, an apple. My original plan was to detox for 14 days but I am actually feeling pretty good I just might continue until we go on vacation the 17th. That means that I will have detoxed for 25 days! Whoo hoo!
Anyway, thought I would share one of a few collages I worked on this weekend. This one is for sale, have a look if yer interested! Happy week to all!