happy thanksgiving
4" square
currently listed on ebay
For those of you that follow my life on Facebook, you already know that I decided to get a part time job. This was mainly because I was starving for a life outside of my home. I know, i am spoiled rotten, being able to have the choice whether to work or not. I do currently have my teaching gigs as well as time to make and list art to sell, but I must admit, it was not enough for me. I am very happy where I am now.
It started like this really...
I happened to be running errands downtown when I stumbled across a sign in the window of one of my favorite stores. I came home to discuss it with Paul as well as the boys. What a positive response! No, it wasn't a "yippee, can't wait to get you out of here", but more like a "terrific, sounds fun for you!". I went back wrote down the number and called the owner. The next morning I talked to her for a couple of hours and was given the job and a schedule, starting already the next day! Wow! things are really not known to happen that fast here in Norway! Anyway, I started yesterday, loved it, and look forward to going in tomorrow! It seems to be very flexible as well as a fantastic atmosphere. Of course, the best part, is that I work only when the boys are in school/preschool and occasionally a night til 7pm. The clothes are my favorite so I figure I need to keep painting to pay for art supplies as I plan on using my pay for the clothes! See their latest collection here... http://www.noanoa.com/
I also have made some more blocks. Here is the latest one, listed on ebay.

Wishing you all a fantastic holiday! Wish I was there!