Red Bamboo - no. 25 x 7"
original paper collage
After years of contemplating, I finally did it. I decided to dive right into the world of teaching. It all happened on Monday as I was taking a walk/jog around the lake. The time was 9 am and I was thinking to myself how I didn't want to go home and do the same old thing I do everyday; clean house, grocery shop, paint, sit on the computer, etc. I needed a change. So, much to my own dismay, I shut off my inner critic, packed a bag with my new portfolio, some small collaged works, a 3D shadowboxed collage and my house from
"In This House" and trucked off to the scrapbook shop. Much to my disappointment, the owner was not there and would not be returning for a couple of days.
Of course, I was somewhat relieved thinking that I could now go home and avoid any uncomfortable feelings of selling myself. However, instead of driving home, I drove to the neighboring town to a shop I had never been into before. I went in with my bag, my heart in my throat and my palms sweating. --Sheesh, that sounds so lame, but I was so nervous that I could barely speak (oh, don't forget that I have to speak Norwegian as well during my sales pitch)! -- Anyhoo, the shop was empty for all but the two owners. I sat down, took out my samples and they were sold! I couldn't believe it! Currently, collage is something somewhat new and exciting here and I am thinking that it is my chance to get the interest going! People seem quite keen to do other things other than just scrapping. To make an even longer story short, I am giving my first basic collage course on Saturday at a scrapbooking fair and then have two more classes scheduled in some weeks.
As you can imagine, I am nervous but also terribly excited! I really hope I can get these scandihoovians hooked on mixed media art!
Now, back to creating some class samples and to taking a deep breath!
(this post is dedicated to
Wendy. thank you)