availspace Available Space: March 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010


15 cm on canvas
available here

Easter is the time of year I dread being that here in Norway, things are pretty much shut down from Thursday to the Monday after Easter Sunday. That means that the kids are home and that the food shopping has to be done for pretty much 5 days (I am NOT a planner in this way nor do I have a big freezer). It is also considered "family time" where folks spend their time up at their cabins or on the slopes. Not sure what we are doing other than a day or two skiing. I am hoping some major creativity will come my way and I can use some days painting.

Hubby and I have been talking about how to make the most out of everyday. It seems that lately there are so many scary and sad things happening to people in our lives. I am hoping that my "happy pictures" will somehow make a difference.

Friday, March 19, 2010

in progress

It has been one of those weeks. Husband gone, busy with work and motherhood. I am trying to find some sort of peace in working on large art projects but sometimes I feel more frustrated than relaxed.

The funny thing while working is that I find it interesting that I can not foresee or plan an outcome. I am a planner by heart; need to know what and when and how at all times to feel that I have control. However, when it comes to my art, I can't plan, I can't sketch out an idea on paper, it puts to many limits on the way my brain works. Strange, that.

It is the weekend (yay!). Bring it on.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

welcome spring

We can finally see the grass after 3 months of snow. I can't wait until the tulips peak up and my rock garden starts to bloom in all its glory. This piece is from a while back, but seemed appropriate to the posting. Of course, if you want it, it's yours. Go here if you want to have a close look. :)

Sunday, March 07, 2010


Most of my emotional energy these days, goes to a friend with a child battling cancer and my 90 year old Grandma who doesn't seem to be herself these days.

Starting to realize what everyone means by thinking continuous positive thoughts and remembering all the things you have to be grateful for. Hug your kids tonight.