what's going on...do you really want to know?
Ok, let's start with my hair. Ah, that cute braided style which in my case means that my hair needs some serious help. Can you believe that I haven't had it cut since May (note extreme dry ends and the "no style" as of present)? Here is a picture of it in it's current state. Uggh, how horrible now that I see it on line.
With my hubby gone for over a week things are a bit hectic. He returns Friday as well as my Dad and stepmom who will be visiting us in Stavanger for the first time. This is very exciting but also a little exhausting as I am trying to make things just right for their arrival. Can you believe that I just decided that I needed to repaint my entire living area?? Don't ask me why, but if you know me, you know that as soon as something gets in to my mind, I need to take action. So, I have only semi neglected my kids as I paint and tidy up, here is Noah eating dinner with only his older brother to supervise:

Hey, don't call child protective services yet, I do feed them (note Anders' gourmet meal of fish sticks and potatoe wedges), here's proof:

And, they are happy as they get to watch as much TV as they want as you see in this perfect example of Jonah and his TWO remotes...

And, as far as the shop goes, it is still a go. Working frivously on my business plan and trying to find the perfect locale. Stay tuned, I really hope that some of you mixed media artists are interested in selling some of your wares here! If you interested in sending me some things on a consignment basis, let me know!
Now, time to get the kiddies in bed and finally make myself some dinner now that it is 9 pm! Guess oatmeal is on the list for the third night in a row! Until next time...